Saturday, April 10, 2010

April 10

April 10, 1889: The Hahnemann Homeopathic Hospital (today Highland Hospital) opens to the public in a renovated mansion located in the hills overlooking the city.  The Hospital, was founded by a group of local doctors following a recent school of medicine based in the use of natural remedies to stimulate a body's own immune system while shunning invasive traditional methods such as blood letting and mercury dosing and avoiding non-natural opiates such as morphine. The original hospital mansion on Rockingham Street and had only 12 beds, but was expanded in 1910 to a three story building (shown below).

Photo: New Hahnemann Hospital on Rochingham ave. (1910) donated by George Eastman
Sources and Further Reading:

  1. "How They Started: Highland Hospital"; Marcotte, Bob; Democrat and; November 1, 2010
  2. "The Legacy of 179 Lake Avenue: A Small Private Hospital's Service to the Community";Dickson, Robert J.; Rochester History; vol 7; issue 1; Fall 2008, pp4-5
  3. Retrofitting Rochester: Hahnemann Hospital, Jeff Ludwig, Rochester Democrat and Chronicle, Feb 20, 2015
  4.  New Hahnemann Hospital, Alfred R. Stone Collection (source of image)

April 10, 1962: Rochester's Midtown Plaza officially opens. The plaza was intended to trigger a revitalization of downtown providing an enclosed European-style town square with a 75 degree year round tropical atmosphere. The Plaza officially closed in July 2008.

Sources and Further Reading:
  1. Wikipedia: Midtown Plaza (Rochester)
  2. Rochester History, vol 69 (2007)
(updated Nov 3, 2010 to include 1889 event)

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